import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers as ciphers import cryptography.hazmat.backends as backends import pathlib import struct import uuid import zlib import os def pad(b, i): n = (i - (len(b) % i)) return (b + bytes(([n] * n))) def unpad(s): return s[:-s[-1]] def read(path): with pathlib.Path(path).open('rb') as f: return class Buffer(): def __init__(self, s): self.s = s self.i = 0 def take(self, n): s = self.peek(n) self.i += n return s def peek(self, n): return self.s[self.i:self.i + n] def unpack(self, fmt, n): return struct.unpack(fmt, self.take(n)) def unpack_I(self): return self.unpack('I', 4) class ExtractedKey(): def __init__(self, cipher, mapping): self.cipher = cipher self.mapping = mapping class ExtractedFile(): def __init__(self, meta, encrypted): self.meta = meta self.encrypted = encrypted self.block_count = len(self.encrypted) // 128 def decrypt(self, key): decryptor = key.cipher.decryptor() blocks = [self.encrypted[(n * 128):((n + 1) * 128)] for n in range(self.block_count)] remapped_blocks = {} for i in range(self.block_count): remapped_blocks[key.mapping[i]] = blocks[i] s = b'' for i in range(self.block_count): s += remapped_blocks[i] s = unpad(s) s = decryptor.update(s) + decryptor.finalize() s = unpad(s) s = zlib.decompress(s) return s class Archiver(): def __init__(self): print('Reading archive and keystore from disk') self.a = Buffer(read('a')) self.k = Buffer(read('k')) self.files = [] self.keys = [] def check_file_headers(self): if self.a.take(8) != b'L0LARCH\x00': raise 'Archive invalid' if self.k.take(8) != b'L0LKSTR\x00': raise 'Keystore invalid' def extract(self): self.check_file_headers() (file_count,) = self.a.unpack_I() (key_count,) = self.k.unpack_I() print('Found %d files' % file_count) if file_count != key_count: raise 'File and key count mismatch' for i in range(file_count): file = self.extract_next_file() key = self.extract_next_key() print("Extracting %s: bytes=%d uuid=%s" % ( file.meta['filename'], file.meta['size'], file.meta['uuid']) ) decrypted = file.decrypt(key) filename = file.meta['filename'] path = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) with open(filename, 'wb+') as f: f.write(decrypted) os.chmod(filename, file.meta['mode']) def extract_next_key(self): file_uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=self.k.take(16)) cipher_info = list(self.k.take(32)) cipher_info.reverse() iv = bytes(list(cipher_info[0:16])) key = bytes(list(cipher_info[16:32])) default_backend = backends.default_backend() cipher = ciphers.Cipher( ciphers.algorithms.AES(key), ciphers.modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend ) (block_count,) = self.k.unpack_I() mapping = {} for i in range(block_count): (left, right) = self.k.unpack('2I', 8) mapping[left] = right return ExtractedKey(cipher, mapping) def extract_next_file(self): meta = self.extract_meta() (encrypted_len,) = self.a.unpack_I() encrypted = self.a.take(encrypted_len) return ExtractedFile(meta, encrypted) def extract_meta(self): (filename_length,) = self.a.unpack_I() filename = self.a.take(filename_length) filename = filename[:-1].decode('utf-8') file_uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=self.a.take(16)) (size, mode) = self.a.unpack('2I', 2 * 4) (st_atime, st_mtime, st_ctime) = self.a.unpack('3d', 3 * 8) return { 'filename': filename, 'uuid': file_uuid, 'size': size, 'mode': mode, 'st_atime': st_atime, 'st_mtime': st_mtime, 'st_ctime': st_ctime, } Archiver().extract()